Our Services

Working with Disability Support Services offers a rich and rewarding experience, providing an opportunity to positively impact the lives of individuals with disabilities while fostering personal and professional growth. Our organisation is committed to creating an inclusive and supportive work environment where every team member is valued, respected, and empowered to succeed.

One of the key benefits of working with Disability Support Services is the sense of purpose that comes from supporting others in achieving their goals and aspirations. Whether you’re providing direct care, coordinating support services, or advocating for the rights of individuals with disabilities, every day presents an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in someone’s life.

Moreover, working with Disability Support Services offers a dynamic and collaborative atmosphere, where teamwork and innovation are encouraged. You’ll have the chance to collaborate with dedicated professionals from diverse backgrounds, each bringing their unique skills and perspectives to the table.

Additionally, Disability Support Services prioritises the well-being and professional development of its employees. From comprehensive training programs to ongoing support and mentorship, we invest in our team members’ growth and success, empowering them to reach their full potential and advance their careers in the disability support sector.

Join us at Disability Support Services and become part of a compassionate and dedicated team committed to making a positive impact in the lives of individuals with disabilities, while experiencing personal and professional fulfilment along the way.

Personal Care

Personal Care at Disability Support Services embodies dignity, compassion, and respect. Our dedicated team provides tailored assistance with daily tasks, ensuring individuals with disabilities receive the support they need while maintaining independence and dignity. We strive to promote well-being and empower individuals to live life to the fullest.

In-Home Care

In-Home Care by Disability Support Services offers personalised support in the comfort of your own home. Our compassionate team provides assistance with daily tasks, promotes independence, and fosters a sense of security. We’re dedicated to enhancing your quality of life while respecting your individual needs and preferences.

Support Workers

Support Workers at Disability Support Services are the heart of our organisation. With empathy and professionalism, they provide tailored support to individuals with disabilities, empowering them to live independently and confidently. Our dedicated team fosters meaningful connections, promotes inclusion, and ensures the well-being of those we serve.

Community Access

Community Access at Disability Support Services opens doors to inclusion and connection. Through engaging activities and support, we empower individuals with disabilities to participate in their communities with confidence. Our dedicated team fosters friendships, builds skills, and promotes a sense of belonging for all.

Supported Independent Living

Supported Independent Living at Disability Support Services offers a pathway to autonomy and self-determination. Our personalised support empowers individuals with disabilities to thrive in their own homes, while fostering independence and confidence. With compassionate assistance and tailored services, we help individuals achieve their goals and live life on their terms.

Respite Accommodation

Respite Accommodation at Disability Support Services provides a sanctuary for individuals with disabilities and their caregivers. Offering temporary relief and support, our purpose-built facilities ensure a nurturing environment where individuals can recharge, while caregivers have peace of mind knowing their loved ones are in capable hands.

Complex Care

Complex Care by Disability Support Services is a beacon of comprehensive support for individuals facing complex medical conditions or disabilities. Our multidisciplinary approach addresses physical, emotional, and social needs, ensuring holistic care that fosters resilience and well-being. With expertise and compassion, we navigate challenges together, empowering individuals to thrive.

NDIS Plan Management

NDIS Plan Management by Disability Support Services offers a lifeline for individuals navigating the complexities of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. With expertise and efficiency, our team manages budgets, processes claims, and liaises with providers, ensuring participants maximise their NDIS funding and access the support they need to achieve their goals.

NDIS Support Coordination

NDIS Support Coordination by Disability Support Services is your compass in navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Our skilled coordinators guide participants through the maze of services, connecting them with the right supports to achieve their goals. With empathy and expertise, we empower individuals to navigate their NDIS journey with confidence.

Ready To Get Started?